A Quote

  1. ‘Mathematically, time is no different from one more spatial dimension, but since humans interact with it in a quite different way, it is psychologically very different.’ William P. Thurston, ‘On Proof and Progress in Mathematics’, p. 5
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Modal Logic Boardgame

‘Modal logics’ are a class of logics that extend propositional and predicate logic to capture more of the expressiveness and nuances of human reasoning. Their names ‘aleithic’, ‘temporal’, ‘epistemic’, ‘doxastic’, ‘deontic’, ‘dynamic’ are beautiful Greek words which hint at a variety of applications. Here is outlined a board game based on a subset of modal logics. Note: it will only make sense if you already know how to draw truth trees for aleithic normal modal logic systems. If you don’t, try reading Chapter 3 of ‘Modal Logics and Philosophy’ (second edition) by Rod Girle, which this boardgame is based on.

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